Numeroads Official Wiki

Welcome to the Numeroads Official Wiki


Welcome to the Numeroads official wiki. Here you can find everything you want to know about Numeroads on Roblox. In this wiki, you can learn about Numeroads games, towns, vehicles and many other subjects. You may edit this wiki to keep all articles up to date. This wiki is created by the creator of Numeroads and is kept up to date on a regular basis. Pages are regularly screened and any false information will be deleted if necessary. Do not make pages that are not related to Numeroads. Any pages that are unrelated to Numeroads will be deleted.


Numeroads is a driving Universe created by Roblox user Tekkie2 in August, 2018. Tekkie2 had been developing for 2 years before he built Numeroads and started working on a map called Numeroads Muscatine, and then then decided to make a map set in North Carolina (Currituck), (both of which never made it to completion and are now a part of the legacy series). These maps featured the first initial designs of the Numeroads game systems. In May of 2019, Tekkie2 began work on a map set in Orlando, Florida called Numeroads: Orlando which was released on 21st September 2022. In September 2019, Tekkie started working on a 2nd map called Numeroads: Jacksonville which is in Pre-Alpha. In early 2020, Tekkie2 began work on Numeroads: Terra Ceia, which is currently development and is on BETA release. In late 2020, Tekkie2 began work on Numeroads: Melbourne Airport, which is the first game set outside of the United States, the first game to be set in Australia and the first game to use Left-hand traffic. On the 9th July 2022, Tekkie2 began work on Numeroads: Elkton, the first US Numeroads map to be set outside of Florida, and the first map to be set in Maryland. It went to Alpha release on the 14th August 2022. On 4th December 2022, Tekkie2 started work on Numeroads: Champlain, the first map to be set in Canada.

A full documentary, made by Unsectar, on the history of Numeroads can be found here:


The History of Numeroads - A Documentary by unsectar

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